Monday, October 2, 2017

Our First Nature Hike

It was a beautiful day and the perfect day to go on our first nature hike at the local lake.  I got out four pair of binoculars and gave a quick lesson on them and then off we went to find sign of fall and birds.  We were not disappointed.  On the way to the lake we was Franklin's Gulls flying high in the pretty blue sky.  We also came across a flock of Cedar Waxwings flying back and forth between the trees.  

When we got there we walked across the bridge and the kids loved that!  There were hundreds of grasshoppers hopping through the grass.  The kindergartners were excited to see a couple of Painted Turtles too.  We also saw squirrels and quite a few different birds:  3 Great Blue Herons, 2 Belted Kingfishers, Mourning Doves, Yellow-rumped Warblers and there were a few Turkey Vultures soaring above the lake.  Everyone was pretty excited about the hike and asked when we could go back.

I have enough pairs of binoculars for each child in the 
class.  These are the auto focus that I like to start out 
with. Later, I will teach them how to use the ones with 
a focus wheel.  I think all kids should have good
{real} binoculars that they know how to use.  It 
brings animals in closer for them to observe and 
helps them to learn more about them.

They love being outdoors!

They loved being on the bridge!
They were heading over to look at the cattails.  
We had talked about them in class.

This is Henry, the Great Blue Heron.  This bird is 
huge and about the same height as a kindergartner.  
There were three of them at the lake that day.  
The kids were impressed and some were yelling, 
"Life bird!"  That means that it is the first time in their
 life to see that particular bird.
The Painted Turtle is checking out the little people.

The kindergartners were very observant on our hike.

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