Thursday, September 28, 2017

Nature Talk

Each morning we sit out on the sidewalk and have a short talk about nature and our environment.  I am trying to make them more aware and knowledgeable of their surroundings. I may ask, "How many stop signs do you see?  What shape is a stop sign?  How many sides does that have? How do you spell stop? Look at the leaves.  Have they started to change yet?  Look at all of the things that are blue around you, etc.  We have had great luck at seeing birds as they fly over or call in the neighborhood."  They have learned about clouds and the water cycle, parts of a plant, what a utility pole is, about electricity, about playground and street safety.  We have counted windows and doors too.  We have seen: Franklin's Gulls, Turkey Vultures, European Starlings, Eurasian Collared-Doves, Mourning Doves, Common Grackles, and others.  Those 5-10 minute talks before morning recess have been very educational.

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