Saturday, December 30, 2017

Christmas Party Day = FUN!

For this half day of school we did not do any school work and we had a fun time.  The K-5 classrooms were each showing a different movie that the children could sign up for.  Each child got a pop and popcorn and watched the movie they chose.  Then they had recess out in the snow before the classroom parties began.  We dismissed at noon for holiday break.  It was an enjoyable morning!

My classroom showed the Santa Paws movie.

This was a fun activity where the kids got to 
decorate a friend as a Christmas tree.

For this relay they carried a Hershey's Kiss on a 
spoon across the room and dropped it into a cup.  
They loved that too!

This party had some good "eats"!

Door Decorating Contest

The elementary classrooms had a door decorating contest and we had a bird-y theme of course.  The Christmas-colored birds were made out of mini paper plates.  It looks like the birds are bringing Santa the list of good girls and boys!


Potato Print Snowmen

Noticing shapes in their environment is a skill that all kindergartners need to know, so I made up this art project to help them with that.  I showed the kindergartners how we would use potatoes cut into 2D shapes to created a snow scene.  One boy said, "Silly Teacher!"

A "Bird-y New Year" Bulletin Board

The kids painted birds using Q-tips and tempera paint.  I thought that they did a very nice job!

Christmas Ornaments

Here is our Christmas ornament for our parents.

Look How Many Birds They Know!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Painting Christmas Trees

They loved painting the details onto their trees!

They painted while listening to kids Christmas songs.

Those are some of my favorite times in kindergarten!

Christmas Art

The kindergartners really enjoyed this project!

Green painted hand prints form these cute trees.
The students decorated them using Q-tips and paint.

Resplendent Quetzals All Around

Sandra U. brought these toy birds for the bird-y kindergartners from Guatemala!  The kids were very excited!  Check out the look on their faces.  {Wait until they see what else she brought!}

This toy represents the national bird of Guatemala, which is the Resplendent Quetzal.  It is a beautiful tropical bird and the male has an extremely long tail.  A big thank you to Sandra!


A Funny Snowy Owl!

For "Show and Tell" this girl brought a Snowy Owl with a rainbow wig!  She got a big laugh from the class!

Winter Concert

The kids looked fantastic for the Christmas concert!  
They performed very well!

Kindergarten November Journal


The Last Day of School!

It is hard to believe that it was the last day of school!  The year went so quickly!  I am so proud of the progress that these young chil...