Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Last Day of School!

It is hard to believe that it was the last day of school!  The year went so quickly!  I am so proud of the progress that these young children made throughout the year.  I will miss them so much -  like I always do.  I wish them the best and I hope that they have a great summer!

Prize for Learning 410 Birds

Since the kindergartners did so great at learning birds we had an ice cream sundae party and then on another day they got to choose a beautifully painted bird from Guatemala.  I had them draw and write about using describing words/adjectives.


Fairway Seeds

We went to Fairway Seeds to deliver a thank you card and while we were there, Lea taught the kids about the Purple Martins that were in the complex beside the store.


Create a Bird!

One of my favorite art activities is when the kids cover a pop can and use scrap paper and straws to create a bird. I challenge them to tell about their bird.  What does it eat?  What is its behavior?  What is its habitat?  The kindergartners were pretty focused while working.  Then they loved flying them around the room!  Thanks to Alli's grandma for helping me! 

The Kindergartners Can Identify 410 Birds Species!

Their goal was to reach 400 bird species like the 
previous kindergarten classes and as a group they did 
it!  They identified 410 species of birds!  WOW!

Science Discovery Centers

I set out some interesting science centers for the students to check out.  Sometimes they need free time with items to explore and think about before we talk about them.

I set out seashells for the kids to check out.  They 
really liked them!
At this table they practiced using a magnifying glass.  They 
looked at sand, soil and later at print.  Understanding 
how to use real tools like magnifying glasses
 and binoculars is important for young scientists.
At the third center, the students messed with magnets 
and tried to see what they would and would not stick to.  
Their faces were filled with wonder at times. 
I loved seeing that!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Kindergarten Field Trip

Birds, Bunnies, Bubbles and Kites

It was a warm, sunny and breezy day for the kindergarten field trip at the lake.  We had such a great time outdoors!  We started the day with playing on the playground equipment.  Then as we went up to the bridge, Alli spotted a Great Egret {a tall white bird} out in the field.  Kindergartners used their binoculars to try to get a good view of it.  

The young birders were quiet and moved along the trail searching for birds.  We saw Double-crested Cormorants loafing in a tree.  Then we heard a Northern Cardinal.  It came close enough for a photo and a good look.  Later I heard a Rose-breasted Grosbeak and the kids got to see that fairly close too.  Many kids cheered saying, "Life bird!"  We hiked near the spillway, over a bridge and through a tunnel of trees.  They stood on huge rocks and had their picture taken a lot!  

While hiking along they got to see a baby bunny hiding in the grass!  That was super cute!  We heard many birds along the way and were able to identify them by song.  We saw other birds during the day:  Yellow-rumped Warblers, Yellow Warblers, Blue Jays, Western Kingbirds, Cooper's Hawk, and more.

When we returned the tired hikers were ready for their picnic lunch!  It was windy, so we ate in the picnic shelter blocking the wind with our vehicles.  We didn't realize that the Barn Swallows were building nests in the shelter, so we got good looks at them as they zipped in and out.  Then it was time to play at the playground and then fly kites!  It was a perfect day for flying kites!  Later some kids played with bubbles and then they could draw with sidewalk chalk on the cement.  

The fun doesn't end there. Then it was time for the outdoor classroom portion.  I set up four centers of activities:
  1. Nature's Web - Find feathers, flowers, pine cones, etc. to weave into the yarn on a Y stick.  {There weren't many flowers this year as it is a late spring.} 
  2. Build a stick fort for fairies or frogs to visit after we leave.
  3. Pine Cone Bird Feeder - Smear peanut butter on a pine cone and then roll it in bird seed.  Hang it up at home and watch to see if birds come eat at it.
  4. Exploring Table - Take magnifying glasses to observe nature or use a net to catch some insects.  
We celebrated Louis's summer birthday today, so we sang to him and all had a cookie.  Cade's mom surprised us with some "Puppy Chow".  We also had a cool drink.

Then we marched up the stairs and over the hill to look at the lake.  We headed over to the other trail on the east side and hiked it.  Then it was time to quickly pack up and head home.  I'm sure we will all sleep well tonight as it was a busy time out in nature! 





The Last Day of School!

It is hard to believe that it was the last day of school!  The year went so quickly!  I am so proud of the progress that these young chil...